NEW Fuzion Burst Evidence Custom Mid-Range Dynamic Discs Disc Golf at Celestial

Burst Color - Stamp Color Dark Gray/Blue Holo Purple/Rasta2 Gray/Rasta Gray/Blue Holo Blue-Gray/Blue Holo Gray/Black
Disc Weight 175 grams 174 grams 173 grams

You will receive the disc in the picture!

Dynamic Discs Evidence Mid-Range

Brand: Dynamic Discs
Mold: Evidence
Plastic: fuzion burst
Style: mid-range
Stamp: Celestial Custom Design
Condition: Brand new!!!

Here's what Dynamic Discs has to say about the Evidence:

The Evidence is a slightly understable midrange disc that is very controllable. Where the Verdict and the Truth take care of your straight to overstable midrange needs, the Evidence will handle the other side of the spectrum. It will hold the anhyzer angle through a full glide while slowly coming back to a flat flight. The Verdict, Truth, and Evidence feel very similar in the hand with complementary flights to carve around any obstacle you face. When your scores are accusing you of bad shots, you need the Evidence to set the record straight.

Speed: 5   Glide: 5   Turn: -1   Fade: 0